Scouts BSA Troop 142G
Troop 142G meets in the club house on Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm and is open to girls ages 11-17 (10 if after March 1st of 5th grade year). Please reach out to the Troop to visit: Troop142G[AT]gmail[DOT]com.
Committee Chair Melynda Moran or Scoutmaster Ronan Moran
Cub Scout Pack 142
The Pack meets Thursdays in the club house from 6:30-8pm. We are a Family Pack, and welcome boys and girls in K through 5th grades. For more info, or to join: Girl Scout Troop 44
Meets in the Club House on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. and is open to all 2nd and 3rd grade girls. Volunteer parents are welcome as well. Other grade levels are planned, but we would need those parents to run those grade levels. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Kirstin Anderson at kmanderson2005[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
Click on picture to enlarge
We are proud to sponsor Scouts BSA Troop 142G, Cub Scout Pack 142 & Girl Scout Troop 44. We help develop the future youths to be conservation minded and provide an opportunity for the scouts to work their service projects here on the property.
In addition to supporting these groups in particular, we support organizations such as the Boy Scout, Girl Scouts, Stafford County Schools and conservation organizations like Ducks Unlimited with use of the chapter's facilities for legitimate purposes.
To coordinate dates, usage and understand the purpose of use, Click here for instuctions and a form that need to be submitted.
For more information, contact:
Roy Boivin, Youth Group - Cubmaster
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Kirstin Anderson, Youth Group - Troop Leader
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Stephen Pierce, Youth Coordinator Committee Chair
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