The shotgun range provides 7 days a week shooting opportunities for club members interested in shooting at clay targets. Members can bring their own clay targets and a thrower or use our club’s throwers and targets.
Shotgun range shooting opportunities include 5- Stand and Trap. The 5-stand course provides clay target presentations with a variety of crossing and going away aspects. Shooters can select which targets are presented. The trap range is a regulation trap range on which targets are presented with varying going away aspects.
The 5-Stand course is also used for the Shotgun Hunter Challenge. The challenge presents shooters with a variety of singles, doubles, and simultaneous doubles like what may be experienced when hunting waterfowl or when upland bird hunting. The course of fire is designed for beginners to advanced recreational shooters.
The Range Schedule is as follows:
Monday thru Saturday – 0900 to Sunset. Members may use the club’s throwers and clay targets after purchasing a target card and clay targets and attending a 30-minute range operations orientation. Alternatively, members may use their own targets and throwers at no cost.
Sunday – 1000 to 1400. The range is open and manned for members and up to four sponsored guests. Shooters may choose to shoot rounds (25 targets) of trap, 5-stand, or the Hunter Challenge.
Sunday – 1400 to Sunset. Members may use the club’s throwers and clay targets after purchasing a target card and clay targets and attending a 30- minute range operations orientation. Alternatively, members may use their own targets and throwers at no cost.
The shotgun range schedule may be modified for special events and for the youth shotgun team training and competition. Changes are posted on the IWLA-Alexandria website.
New Members. New members are given a coupon for a free shoot at the range. Loaner shotguns are available, and range operators can provide advice and coaching.
Special Events. Groups of four or more may request a special opening of the range with range operators present by appointment on days other than Sunday. Email the shotgun range committee chair, Joseph F Kolos Jr (Log in to see email & phone number), to request a group appointment.
Range Target Cards. To use the club trap machines without supervision club members must complete a 30-minute orientation addressing loading clay targets, turning machines on and off, and using the card-based system. An access card must be purchased, and clay targets must be loaded onto the card. Cards are available at club meetings and on Sundays between 10-2. The orientation is offered on Sundays 10-2 and on club meeting days after the meeting.
Current Events. In a new initiative intended to provide additional quality recreational shooting opportunities to club members, Shotgun range volunteers recently completed modifications allowing club members to use the 5-stand range 7 days a week during our club’s designated shooting hours. More recently, volunteers have installed a trap machine that can be used 7 days a week and are completing integration into the Target card system to allow Trap range operations 7 days a week.