President’s Corner October 2024
Rifle Range extension. Discussions and planning have been going on to extend the range from 100 yds to 300 yds, for better competition and shooting for match shooters and hunters. The engineer’s plan to push back our 100-yard Back Stop /Berm to 300 yards has been submitted to Stafford County. We are waiting response from Stafford.
This is not a quick construction operation it will be worked in phases and we accumulate funds or get volunteer help. Pay attention to the web site for closures to the range. We will let people know as early as possible but it may be short notice, as resources become available.
Remember construction activities takes priority as we are paying for the effort. Or other items are being by donation and we need to take them when they are available.
We submitted our application for change in our non-profit status to the IRS in June and are awaiting response for that If granted we will be able to issue donation letters among other improvements for our non-profit category.
It is hunting season and we will have several hunters out on our property. To qualify members, need to take the hunting safety training on line (via our web site) and get your hunter safety/permission card to hunt on the Chapter grounds. If you wish to walk out on our nature trails check the kiosk up by the caretaker's house driveway to see if hunters are in the woods.
We have had our Spring water sampling and testing and it shows that our water runoff is very good water with no pollution. We plan to test again our water and soil again in the fall. If your or your family would like to help and see how we check our streams are doing please contact Erika Wettergreen and let her know you would like to help.
We test the condition of our clubhouse well water annually. We have no detectable lead or bacteria in our clubhouse water and only and extremely low.
We are a volunteer organization we have over 900 members and need your help. In 2023 we had about 7000 volunteer hours recorded to help keep us operating and safe. We had 336 events on our Chapter helping about 2518 adults and 3545 children/scouts on our Chapter. These 6000 guests are in addition to the members and families use of our property
If you need service hour time or would like to earn volunteer time for dues reduction and cannot make the monthly working party contact the Caretaker and arrange other time to help. You can earn hours any day.