Alexandria Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

2729 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556

Izaak Walton League: Defenders of Soil, Woods, Water, Air, and Wildlife.

Contact Us

National Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

Virginia Chapter of the Izaak Walton League


Range Safety / Range Safety Officers (RSO)

Upcoming Events:

Shooting Ranges Open this week [9:00 AM-] (except as noted in events)

2/15 Turkey Shoot [7:30 PM-11:30 PM]

2/22 Turkey Shoot [7:30 PM-11:30 PM]

2/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

3/1 Steel Match [9:00 AM-3:00 PM]

3/8 NRA Rifle Instructor Course w/ BIT (Day 1) [7:00 AM-6:00 PM]

3/9 NRA Rifle Instructor Course (Day 2) [7:30 AM-6:00 PM]

3/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

4/5 CMP Rifle Match [7:00 AM-12:00 PM]

4/12 NRA Basic Pistol Course [7:00 AM-6:30 PM]

Conservation    Archery    Hunting    Match    Rifle/Pistol    Rifle (only)    Pistol (only)    Shotgun    Scouts    Youth    NRA Course    Training    Turkey Shoot    Camping    Chapter Mtg    Work Party    External Mtg   

Chapter Calendar

Out of 139 RSOs in our chapter, 116 are current with both their NRA and IWLA RSO certifications. 91 RSO's have served within the past 12 months. Plenty of RSO requirements to support numerous events exist. Come on out to support your fellow members on our great shooting ranges and earn generous guest pass privileges as well as a $50 annual dues deduction for your volunteer service. The next basic RSO course will be held on January 13th, 2024. Contact Nick Roberge (club training chair) and Colin Moreau (RSO coordinator) with any questions. The online process will cancel a RSO signup for an event if their certifications have gone expired in the time since putting their name down for an event. For example, in February, a member had good RSO credentials, so they signed up for RSO duty in April. But in March, their credentials expired. Going forward, 8 days out their slot will now automatically cancel, which gives other RSOs a chance to take that duty 7 days out. We have several RSO vests of varying sizes available for use in the Rifle range sign-in shed. After use, please remember to return them to the hanger in the shed. For answers to any RSO questions, please contact your IWLA Chapter RSO Coordinator,
Range Safety Committee:
The Range Safety Committee meets on the third Sunday of the month at 12 noon (before the member meeting). Anyone with safety issues or interests is invited to attend.

Chapter Range Safety Officers (RSO) are appointed by the Chapter Executive Committee and supervise range operations during training, when inexperienced individuals may need a more formal safety education, supervision, or competition, for organized group activities, and for the monthly member sponsored guest weekends.

Chapter RSOs are trained and qualified IAW NRA RSO course. If you are already qualified as an NRA RSO, then you will need to audit one of our NRA RSO courses to become familiar with our ranges and procedures.

Members are eligible and encouraged to take NRA RSO training, taught semiannually at the clubhouse, and earn their NRA RSO certification. All members possessing a current NRA RSO certification should ensure it is on file in the Chapter database. Members transferring in to IWLA-Alexandria Chapter will need to audit the Chapter's NRA RSO course and get trained on the Chapter's particular range safety rules. Please send a copy of the RSO certificate to the RSO Coordinator if it is not on file.

All members, after attending the Chapter's NRA RSO training class and designated a Chapter RSO, may elect to pull RSO duty and earn a $50 annual dues reduction for 8 or more hours of Chapter RSO duty per year. 4 hours of Chapter RSO duty also earns a member the privilege of obtaining guest vouchers for use any time of the month.

The Chapter has approved rules that will allow Chapter RSOs to sign up on the website to bring up to two guests per day as compensation for Chapter RSO volunteer service. This benefit will be for a 3 hour session similar to the regular monthly rifle/pistol guest sessions, but can be performed on any day the range is open. The guest pass hold harmless agreement should be placed in the box under the Caretaker's car port. In order for Chapter RSOs to be eligible for this benefit they must have a current NRA RSO certification, current IWLA range rules certification, and have performed at least 4 hours of Chapter RSO volunteer service within the previous 12 months. The vouchers may also be used at the archery range (but not the shotgun range).

Members with expired NRA RSO certifications (certs are good for only 2 years) are encouraged to renew their certification through the NRA and send a copy to the RSO Coordinator. Chapter RSO's with expired certificates will otherwise be removed from the Chapter RSO roster. They can easily be added back to the Chapter RSO list after certificate renewal.

Chapter RSO's are also required to certify that they have read and understand the range regulations (confirmed with a Chapter RSO test) annually. This will help Chapter RSO's refresh their understanding of the range regulations and be able to ensure compliance.

Occasionally some new members ask if their military or police range experience would allow them to help as RSO. For background information, the NRA provides the insurance for shooting sports in this country not the Federal or local governments, so we have to have our Chapter RSO's trained and qualified in accordance with the NRA training syllabus.

The Shotgun range RSO schedule is managed by Joseph Kolos Jr , (Log in to see additional contact info)
. Please contact them for information.

The Rifle/Pistol range and Turkey Shoot Chapter RSO schedule is managed by Colin Moreau , Send Message , (Log in to see additional contact info) via the Chapter RSO schedule application (below):

To see the Chapter RSO schedule, please log in.

For more information, contact:
Colin Moreau , Send Message , (Log in to see additional contact info)