Alexandria Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

2729 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556

Izaak Walton League: Defenders of Soil, Woods, Water, Air, and Wildlife.

Contact Us

National Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

Virginia Chapter of the Izaak Walton League


Civilian Marksmanship Program

Upcoming Events:

Shooting Ranges Open this week [9:00 AM-] (except as noted in events)

2/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

3/1 Steel Match [9:00 AM-3:00 PM]

3/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

4/5 CMP Rifle Match [7:00 AM-12:00 PM]

Conservation    Archery    Hunting    Match    Rifle/Pistol    Rifle (only)    Pistol (only)    Shotgun    Scouts    Youth    NRA Course    Training    Turkey Shoot    Camping    Chapter Mtg    Work Party    External Mtg   

Chapter Calendar

Our next Civilian Marksmanship Program Match will be held on our rifle range on 5 April 2025.

The Alexandria chapter of the IWLA is affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). As a CMP affiliated club, we offer sanctioned CMP matches governed by the "CMP Games, Rifle and Pistol Rules" four times a year in accordance with the chapter shooting sports schedule. Competitions offered are Vintage and As-Issued Military Rifle course B, Military & Police Service Pistol, and Rimfire Sporter Rifle matches.
2025 Match Schedule: 1 Feb- Military & Police Service Pistol 5 Apr- Vintage and As-Issued Military Rifle course B 2 Aug- Military & Police Service Pistol 4 Oct- Rimfire Sporter Rifle matches
Our next IWLA Shooting Sports Event is a CMP Pistol Match February 1, 2025. Rain, sun, or cold we shoot.
0800-0845 Check in and set up targets. 0845 Safety brief 0900 First relay sets up and match begins. $20 members, $30 non-members, under 18 FREE. All shots from 25 yards. As issued military and police course of fire. 5 sighting in rounds in 5 min. 5+5 shots with one or two handed grip in 5 minutes 5+5 shots with left hand grip in 5 minutes 5+5 shots with right hand grip in 5 minutes 5+5 shots with one or two handed grip in 70 seconds Total shots are 45(5 sighting in and 40 for score) Maximum shooters are 20 for two 10-person relays so send me an email to get on the list. What you need: Pistol or Revolver that is as issued in the military or law enforcement or has the following characteristics: -9mm to .45 only (Kids can use .22) -Barrels not more than 5 inches -Not match conditioned -Standard issue non-adjustable sights 2 magazines (you will fill them each with 5 rounds (5+5)) Ammo for your pistol, FMJ round nose Ear and eye protection To learn more go to CMP POC: Eric Brown (

March 2017 Match

October 2018

February 2019 Pistol Match

Military & Police Course (2019)

Relay 1 Feb 2019

Rimfire Sporter Rifle Match

Jan 2021 CMP M&P Match
Click on picture to enlarge
Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP)

For more information, contact:
Eric Brown, Civilian Marksmanship Program , Send Message , (Log in to see additional contact info)