Alexandria Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

2729 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556

Izaak Walton League: Defenders of Soil, Woods, Water, Air, and Wildlife.

Contact Us

National Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

Virginia Chapter of the Izaak Walton League


Welcome To The Alexandria Chapter of the Izaak Walton League


The 15 February Working Party is cancelled due to weather.

23 Feb IWLA NRL22 Competition   -  Left Half of Rifle Range CLOSED from 7:00am to 2:00pm

9 Mar NRA Rifle Instructor Course (Day 2)  -  Left 8 positions of Rifle Range CLOSED from 8:30am to 1:00pm

23 Mar IWLA NRL22 Competition   -  Left Half of Rifle Range CLOSED from 7:00am to 2:00pm

The April club meeting has moved to 27 April and the Working party moved to 26 April due to Easter falling on 20 April.

RANGE RULES (with Addendum)

Click on a picture to enlarge
Membership Requirements Contact the Caretaker

Our facility is located 9 miles west of I-95 on Route 610 in Stafford, VA. The 211 acre facility includes:

  • A 5 position trap range (both trap and 5 position shooter's choice)
  • A 14 point (12 covered and 2 point uncovered) outdoor 100 yard rifle range
  • A 10 point (8 bench and 2 draw from holster) outdoor 60 yard pistol range
  • An 8 lane outdoor field archery range
  • Two large stocked ponds for fishing
  • Hunting is allowed on the property during the State hunting season
  • Picnic areas, a playground, and a playing field
  • Campground area with 20 reserved sites (some with power), 3 overnight camping sites (none have power), and tent camping by the ponds

To use the facilities you need to be a member or their immediate family (member's spouse, dependents under 18 years of age, or grandchildren under 18 years of age). Membership includes use of the facilities for members of your household when accompanied by you.

Members have use of the range facilities during the daylight hours.   Members may bring two guests to the monthly guest shoot at the rifle/pistol range (usually the first Sunday of the month). Members may bring up to four guests to the weekly guest shoot at the shotgun range (Sundays). Shotgun range guest shoots have a guest fee, rifle/pistol range guest shoots do not. Members may bring their immediate family members and they are not charged guest fees.

The regular meeting is the third Sunday of each month. The meeting starts at 2:00pm. The Board of Directors meeting is also the third Sunday of each month. The meeting starts at noon. Minutes for both meetings are recorded and available from the Chapter Secretary.

To contact us and get the most current information, send an email to the Membership Chairman For more information, contact:
James Matthews , Send Message , (Log in to see additional contact info)
James Mitchell , Send Message

Thank you for your interest in our club.  We will look forward to seeing you at an upcoming General Meeting. For more information on joining, go to the Membership page.

Recent Service Hours - Is your name on this list?
Who are we and what do we do

The Alexandria Chapter of IWLA, located in Stafford, Virginia protects America's soil, air, woods, waters, and wildlife through the education of its membership, and supports the conservation of these resources by educating the public on the opportunities for the enjoyment of the great outdoors. Our Chapter continuously strives to preserve, promote, and perpetuate the safe and ethical conduct of our American heritage of hunting, fishing, camping, and similar sports through dedicated training and education.

Turkey Shoot

Turkey Shoot

One of our major fundraisers is the Turkey Shoot. The Turkey Shoot goes from October and continues most Saturdays through March. Practice starts at 7:00pm and the shoot at 7:30. It's a fun, family-oriented activity and is open to the public.

What is a turkey Shoot?

Image 1

We are proud to sponsor Scouts BSA Troop 142G, Pack 142 and Girl Scout Troop 44. We help develop youths to be conservation minded and provide an opportunity for the scouts to work their service projects here on the property.




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