Alexandria Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

2729 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556

Izaak Walton League: Defenders of Soil, Woods, Water, Air, and Wildlife.

Contact Us

National Chapter of the Izaak Walton League

Virginia Chapter of the Izaak Walton League


America's Rifle Challenge

Upcoming Events:

Shooting Ranges Open this week [9:00 AM-] (except as noted in events)

2/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

3/1 Steel Match [9:00 AM-3:00 PM]

3/23 IWLA NRL22 Competition [9:00 AM-2:00 PM]

4/5 CMP Rifle Match [7:00 AM-12:00 PM]

Conservation    Archery    Hunting    Match    Rifle/Pistol    Rifle (only)    Pistol (only)    Shotgun    Scouts    Youth    NRA Course    Training    Turkey Shoot    Camping    Chapter Mtg    Work Party    External Mtg   

Chapter Calendar

Our next America's Rifle Challenge will be held on our rifle range on 7 June 2025.

Please show up at the rifle range located at 2729 Garrisonville Road between 0800-0830 to register and attend the safety brief at 0845. We will go hot at 0900, if you do not attend the safety brief - you will not be allowed to shoot the match. Although this match was developed to be shot with an AR15, you may use any rifle with a detachable magazine.
Bring your firearm in good working condition and six magazines (if you don't have 6 bring what you have), you will need 125 rounds of the proper ammunition for your gun, a way to carry your mags (pockets work), a sling and mat is helpful but not required. Optics are permitted.
Of course eye & ear protection is required and bring any food or water you may need, these matches usually run until about noon.
This match is open to members and their family, and member sponsored guests. As always members are $20 - guests are $30 and juniors are free.
If you are not familiar with this match, we will be shooting from behind a barricade at 100 yards and incrementally moving forward to the 7 yard line - engaging multiple targets from multiple positions, to include mandatory magazine changes. The round count for this course of fire is 100.
This match is a lot of fun and I hope to see you all there!
If you would like to help set up, come on out at 0730.
There will be a fire barrel for heat!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions,
Ed MacBride edmacbride[AT]comcast[DOT]net

Free Standing, 25yds, Jan2017 match

Standing Barricade, 100yds, Jan2017 match

3-Position, 100yds, Feb2020 Match

Jan 2023 ARC Reload

Scores from 2 Nov 2024

Podium 241102, Mike D, Nick R, Mike R
Click on picture to enlarge
America's Rifle Challenge (ARC) is a new recreational training event that's meant to prove to dedicated 2nd Amendment supporters and newbies alike that the "AR" in "AR-15" stands for "America's Rifle."

The ARC offers three different types of events: training events, basic matches and advanced matches. Each allows participants to experience shooting from multiple defensive firing positions. The basic matches are shot at a slower pace to allow new competitors to get comfortable with their firearms, while the advanced matches are timed, with competitors moving through multiple firing points and reloading against the clock. ARC isn't just limited to AR-15s either; any semi-automatic detachable magazine-fed rifle can be used.

For most events, you'll just need your rifle, two detachable magazines, magazine carrier, sling, eye and ear protection and ammo.
For more information, contact:
Ed Macbride, America's Rifle Challenge , Send Message , (Log in to see additional contact info)